Representative Challenges: Facilitation
To learn more about these and other past assignments and how they were addressed, please be in touch with Dan directly:
A newly appointed manager asked for help training her three directly reporting supervisors. They had never received any previous training and the entire group was recovering from the previous manager whose style was autocratic and demanding.
A manager asked for assistance with a team who was highly critical of her inability to resolve performance issues within the group. The situation was complicated by her denial that anything was fundamentally wrong.
The president of a large company wanted to “fix” his senior team of vice-presidents, who he felt were all underperforming. They had similar complaints about him, as well.
Members of a senior team struggled to deal with their negative beliefs and assumptions about the motives of one another. The President was uncomfortable with intervening and didn’t know what to do when frustrations and anger surfaced during discussions.
A conflict between two members of a management team had become “undiscussable” in the group – though there was lots of talk in the background. The group needed a way to talk openly together about the impacts of the conflict on them and the organization and encourage the two fighting managers to put their differences aside.
A management team made up of half white managers and half Black managers needed to address tensions in the group. Although they initially believed their differences were based in race, open discussion would be needed to get at all the factors that were involved.
A team of utilities managers needed to reorganize their shop spaces. They needed help managing what ostensibly looked like a shift in physical space, but was actually a change in power and privilege for both the managers and the larger group they collectively supervised.
Members of a City Council needed a way to develop a collective vision that could supersede contentious politics in favor of their governance responsibilities.